Join Teamsters Local Union 107
Teamsters Local Union 107 is a Union of workers who are over 3000 strong. Our members earn higher wages, achieve better benefits, have a safe and secure work environment, and we have a VOICE on the job! Today, in a non-union work environment, management is the only voice that is heard.
Your RIGHT to self organization is a RIGHT that is afforded to you by the National Labor Relations Act. You have RIGHTS as an employee!
To Join Teamsters Local 107 go to our home page and click the "click here" tab in the Organize Today section. Fill out the questionaire and click SEND. All replies are kept strictly confidential. A Local 107 Organizer will be in contact with you within 24 hours of your request.

Your Rights |
.Employees shall have the right to self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, and shall also have the right to refrain from any or all such activities.
The Benefits of Being A Teamster |
Some may ask the question...Why do I need a Union? There are many answers to this question as there are many benefits to a Union, especially today! The first and easiest one to answer is At-Will Employment. Employees who are employed without the protection of a Union are classified as "At-Will" employees.
Facts of Union Membership |
Union wages, in many cases, are higher than non-union wages. Today, without a Unions presence employers use the economy as a tactic to avoid paying a fair wage. Union workers, on average, earn a median weekly earning above non-union employees. The chart below is data collected by the U.S.
Page Last Updated: Jun 01, 2013 (11:31:00)